GTK Classes
Classes Provided by the GTK Library
Table of Contents
- Gtk
- Static Gtk methods.
- GtkAboutDialog
- Display information about an application.
- GtkAccelGroup
- Groups of global keyboard accelerators for an entire GtkWindow
- GtkAccelLabel
- A label which displays an accelerator key on the right of the text
- GtkAccessible
- Accessibility support for other widgets.
- GtkAction
- An action which can be triggered by a menu or toolbar item.
- GtkActionGroup
- A group of action objects.
- GtkAdjustment
- A GtkObject representing an adjustable bounded value
- GtkAlignment
- A container that controls the alignment and size of it's child.
- GtkArrow
- Displays an arrow pointing in one of the four cardinal directions.
- GtkAspectFrame
- A frame that constrains its child to a particular aspect ratio.
- GtkBin
- A container widget with only one child.
- GtkBorder
- GtkBox
- Base class for box containers.
- GtkButton
- A pushbutton widget that issues a signal when clicked.
- GtkButtonBox
- Base class for GtkHButtonBox and GtkVButtonBox.
- GtkCalendar
- Displays a calendar and allows the user to select a date.
- GtkCellEditable
- An interface providing cell editing in a GtkTreeView.
- GtkCellLayout
- An interface for packing cells.
- GtkCellRenderer
- Base class to display cell contents in a GtkTreeView.
- GtkCellRendererCombo
- Displays the contents of a cell in a GtkTreeView as a GtkComboBox.
- GtkCellRendererPixbuf
- Displays a GdkPixbuf in a cell of a GtkTreeView.
- GtkCellRendererProgress
- Displays the contents of a cell in a GtkTreeView as a progress bar.
- GtkCellRendererText
- Displays the contents of a cell in a GtkTreeView as text.
- GtkCellRendererToggle
- Displays the contents of a cell in a GtkTreeView as a toggle button.
- GtkCellView
- A widget for displaying a single cell of a GtkTreeModel.
- GtkCheckButton
- A widget that displays a check-box.
- GtkCheckMenuItem
- A check box menu item.
- GtkClipboard
- An object for storing cut and paste data.
- GtkCList
- DEPRECATED. A multi-columned scrolling list widget.
- GtkColorButton
- A button that launches a color selection dialog.
- GtkColorSelection
- Widget that is used to select a color.
- GtkColorSelectionDialog
- A standard dialog box to select a color.
- GtkCombo
- DEPRECATED. Text entry field with a dropdown list.
- GtkComboBox
- A widget used to choose from a list of items.
- GtkComboBoxEntry
- A text entry box with a prepopulated drop down list of values.
- GtkContainer
- An abstract class to be extended by widgets that hold one or more other widgets.
- GtkCTree
- DEPRECATED. A widget displaying a hierarchical tree.
- GtkCTreeNode
- GtkCurve
- Widget that allows editing of a curve.
- GtkDialog
- A popup window.
- GtkDrawingArea
- A widget for creating custom user interface elements.
- GtkEditable
- Interface for text-editing widgets.
- GtkEntry
- A single line text entry field.
- GtkEntryCompletion
- An object used to provide auto-completion functionality for a GtkEntry.
- GtkEventBox
- A widget used to catch events.
- GtkExpander
- A container that can hide its child.
- GtkFileChooser
- File chooser interface used by GtkFileChooserWidget and gtkfilechooser.
- GtkFileChooserButton
- A button that launches a file chooser dialog.
- GtkFileChooserDialog
- A standard dialog box to choose a file.
- GtkFileChooserWidget
- A widget that allows selection of a file.
- GtkFileFilter
- A filter to select a subset of files.
- GtkFileSelection
- Prompts the user for a file/directory name.
- GtkFixed
- A container that allows for precise placement of widgets.
- GtkFontButton
- A button that launches a font selection dialog.
- GtkFontSelection
- A widget for selecting a font from a list of available fonts.
- GtkFontSelectionDialog
- A standard dialog box to select a font.
- GtkFrame
- A decorative frame for holding a widget.
- GtkGammaCurve
- A class for editing Gamma Curves.
- GtkHandleBox
- A container for creating detachable window elements.
- GtkHBox
- A horizontal box for organizing child widgets.
- GtkHButtonBox
- Container for arranging buttons in a row.
- GtkHPaned
- A container with two panes arranged horizontally.
- GtkHRuler
- A horizontal ruler.
- GtkHScale
- Horizontal slider widget for selecting a value from a range.
- GtkHScrollbar
- A horizontal scrollbar.
- GtkHSeparator
- A horizontal separator.
- GtkIconFactory
- A collection of a set of variants for a particular icon.
- GtkIconInfo
- GtkIconSet
- GtkIconSource
- GtkIconTheme
- An object for looking up icons by name.
- GtkIconView
- Displays a list of icons in a grid.
- GtkImage
- A widget displaying an image
- GtkImageMenuItem
- A menu item with an icon.
- GtkIMContext
- Base class for input method contexts.
- GtkIMContextSimple
- An input method context supporting table-based input methods.
- GtkIMMulticontext
- An input method context supporting multiple, loadable input methods.
- GtkInputDialog
- A dialog for configuring devices for the XInput extension.
- GtkInvisible
- A widget that is not displayed on the screen.
- GtkItem
- Abstract base class for GtkMenuItem, GtkListItem and GtkTreeItem.
- GtkItemFactory
- DEPRECATED. A factory for menus.
- GtkLabel
- A widget that displays a small to medium amount of text.
- GtkLayout
- An infinite scrollable container.
- GtkList
- DEPRECATED. Widget for packing a list of selectable items.
- GtkListItem
- DEPRECATED. An item in a GtkList
- GtkListStore
- Data model for list data.
- GtkMenu
- A menu widget usually a child of a GtkMenuBar or GtkMenuItem.
- GtkMenuBar
- A widget that holds menu items.
- GtkMenuItem
- A widget used for holding items in menus.
- GtkMenuShell
- A base class for menu widgets.
- GtkMenuToolButton
- A menu item that shows both a button and a drop down menu.
- GtkMessageDialog
- A convenient message window.
- GtkMisc
- A base class for widgets with alignment and padding.
- GtkNotebook
- A tabbed notebook container
- GtkObject
- A base class for all classes in the Gtk family.
- GtkOldEditable
- DEPRECATED. Base class for text-editing widgets.
- GtkOptionMenu
- DEPRECATED. A widget used to choose from a list of valid choices.
- GtkPaned
- A base class for GtkHPaned and GtkVPaned.
- GtkPixmap
- DEPRECATED. A widget displaying a graphical image or icon.
- GtkPlug
- A toplevel window to be embedded into other processes.
- GtkPreview
- DEPRECATED. A widget to display RGB or grayscale data.
- GtkProgress
- A base class for GtkProgressBar.
- GtkProgressBar
- A widget for displaying incremental or continuous progress.
- GtkRadioAction
- A radio button style action.
- GtkRadioButton
- A toggle button of which only one in a group may be active.
- GtkRadioMenuItem
- A toggle menu item of which only one in the group may be active.
- GtkRadioToolButton
- A toolbar toggle button of which only one in the group may be active.
- GtkRange
- A base class for widgets that visualize an adjustment.
- GtkRcStyle
- An object holding the appearance information as defined from RC files.
- GtkRequisition
- GtkRuler
- A base class for GtkHRuler and GtkVRuler.
- GtkScale
- Base class for GtkHScale and GtkVScale.
- GtkScrollbar
- A base class for GtkHScrollbar and GtkVScrollbar
- GtkScrolledWindow
- A container that shows all or part of its child within a scrollable window.
- GtkSelectionData
- GtkSeparator
- Base class for GtkHSeparator and GtkVSeparator.
- GtkSeparatorMenuItem
- A menu item for separating one group of items from another.
- GtkSeparatorToolItem
- A toolbar item for separating one group of items from another.
- GtkSettings
- An object for sharing settings between applications.
- GtkSizeGroup
- An object for forcing a group of widgets to request the same size.
- GtkSocket
- A container for showing a toplevel window from another process.
- GtkSpinButton
- A entry for getting a numeric value between a given range.
- GtkStatusbar
- A widget for displaying status information.
- GtkStatusIcon
- GtkStatusIcon is used for displaying an icon in the system tray.
- GtkStyle
- An object holding appearance information for a widget.
- GtkTable
- Container that provides a two-dimensional grid for packing widgets.
- GtkTearoffMenuItem
- A menu item that can be "torn off" into a floating window.
- GtkTextAttributes
- GtkTextBuffer
- An object for storing and editing text.
- GtkTextChildAnchor
- A location in a GtkTextBuffer where children can be anchored.
- GtkTextIter
- A class to identify a location in a GtkTextBuffer.
- GtkTextMark
- A position in a GtkTextBuffer which persists across buffer modifications.
- GtkTextTag
- An object used to change the display properties of a block of text in a GtkTextBuffer.
- GtkTextTagTable
- An object used to manage a collection of GtkTextTags for a GtkTextBuffer.
- GtkTextView
- A widget for displaying and editing a large block of text.
- GtkToggleAction
- An action which can have two states: on or off.
- GtkToggleButton
- Button that retains its state.
- GtkToggleToolButton
- A toolbar button that can be toggled on or off.
- GtkToolbar
- A toolbar widget that displays GtkToolItems.
- GtkToolButton
- A GtkToolItem that displays a button.
- GtkToolItem
- An item to be shown in a GtkToolbar.
- GtkTooltips
- An object for managing a collection of tooltips.
- GtkTreeIter
- A reference to a row in a tree/list data model.
- GtkTreeDragDest
- GtkTreeDragSource
- GtkTreeModel
- The tree interface used by GtkTreeView.
- GtkTreeModelFilter
- A GtkTreeModel wrapper which hides parts of the underlying model.
- GtkTreeModelRow
- GtkTreeModelRowIterator
- GtkTreeModelSort
- A GtkTreeModel wrapper that sorts the underlying model.
- GtkTreeRowReference
- GtkTreeSelection
- Selection of a GtkTreeView.
- GtkTreeSortable
- An interface for sortable models used by GtkTreeView.
- GtkTreeStore
- A tree-like data structure that can be used with the GtkTreeView.
- GtkTreeView
- A widget for displaying both trees and lists.
- GtkTreeViewColumn
- A visible column in a GtkTreeView.
- GtkUIManager
- An object for creating menus and toolbars from XML.
- GtkVBox
- A vertical box for organizing child widgets.
- GtkVButtonBox
- Container for arranging buttons in a column.
- GtkViewport
- A container for adding scrolling capabilities to widgets without native scrolling support.
- GtkVPaned
- A container with two panes arranged vertically.
- GtkVRuler
- A vertical ruler.
- GtkVScale
- Vertical slider widget for selecting a value from a range.
- GtkVScrollbar
- A vertical scrollbar.
- GtkVSeparator
- A vertical separator.
- GtkWidget
- Base class for all widgets.
- GtkWindow
- A window which will likely contain the rest of the application.
- GtkWindowGroup
- A group of related GtkWindows.