Displays a list of icons in a grid.
Object Hierarchy
GtkIconView provides an alternative view on a list model: It displays the model as a grid of icons with labels, the way you will already know it from a file manager.
Like GtkTreeView, it allows to select one or multiple items (depending on the selection mode, see set_selection_mode() ). In addition to selection with the arrow keys, GtkIconView supports rubberband selection, which is controlled by dragging the pointer.
GtkIconView ();-- Creates a new GtkIconView instance.
get_column_spacing() Returns the space between single columns in pixels. get_columns() The number of columns in the view. get_item_width() The width of a single item. get_margin() The empty border around view. get_markup_column() Column of the model in which markup is stored. get_model() The list's data model. get_orientation() Returns the orientation of the icon labels. get_path_at_pos() Returns the path to the item at the given position. get_pixbuf_column() Model column number containing the pixbufs. get_row_spacing() Space in pixels between rows. get_selected_items() Returns an array of paths for the selected items. get_selection_mode() Item selection mode. get_spacing() Space in pixels between icon and label. get_text_column() Model column number containing the text for the labels. item_activated() Activates an item. path_is_selected() Checks if an item is selected. select_all() Selects all items. select_path() Select an item in the view. set_column_spacing() Set the spacing between columns. set_columns() Set the number of columns in the list. set_item_width() Width of an item. set_margin() Margin to the widget's border. set_markup_column() Set the model column containing the markup. set_model() Set the data model. set_orientation() Set the orientation of label relative to the icon. set_pixbuf_column() Set the model column in which pixbufs are located. set_row_spacing() Set the spacing between rows. set_selection_mode() Set mode of selection. set_spacing() Set the space between icon and label. set_text_column() Set model column in which the text is located. unselect_all() Unselects all items. unselect_path() Unselects a single item. selected_foreach()
"activate-cursor-item" The current cursor item has been activated. "item-activated" An item has been activated (not selected) "move-cursor" Cursor (not selection) has moved. "select-all" FIXME "select-cursor-item" FIXME "selection-changed" Emitted when the selection has changed. "set-scroll-adjustments" When the widget gets scroll bars. "toggle-cursor-item" Current cursor item changes its selection state. "unselect-all" FIXME