A base class for GtkProgressBar.
Object Hierarchy
Direct Subclasses
A GtkProgress is the abstract base class used to derive a GtkProgressBar which provides a visual representation of the progress of a long running operation.
configure() DEPRECATED Reconfigure minimum, maximum and current value. get_current_percentage() DEPRECATED Returns the current progress as a percentage. get_current_text() DEPRECATED Returns the current text. get_percentage_from_value() DEPRECATED Calculates the percentage from the supplied absolute progress value. get_text_from_value() DEPRECATED Returns the text based on the supplied value. get_value() DEPRECATED Returns the current progress complete value. set_activity_mode() DEPRECATED Sets the progress bar to activity or percentage mode. set_adjustment() DEPRECATED Associates a GtkAdjustment with the GtkProgress. set_format_string() DEPRECATED Sets a format string used to display text. set_percentage() DEPRECATED Sets the current percentage completion. set_show_text() DEPRECATED Controls whether progress text is shown. set_text_alignment() DEPRECATED Sets the text alignment in the progress bar area. set_value() DEPRECATED Sets the value to an absolute value.
Use get_property and set_property methods to access these.
activity-mode: Percentage or activity mode. show-text: Whether the progress is shown as text. text-xalign: Horizontal text alignment. text-yalign: Vertical text alignment.