A tree-like data structure that can be used with the GtkTreeView.
Object Hierarchy
Implemented Interfaces
The GtkTreeStore object is a list model for use with a GtkTreeView widget. It implements the GtkTreeModel interface, and consequentialy, can use all of the methods available there. It also implements the GtkTreeSortable interface so it can be sorted by the view. Finally, it also implements the tree drag and drop interfaces.
-- Create a new tree store with a number of columns.
append() Appends a new row to the store. clear() Removes all rows. insert() Insert a new row at the given position. insert_after() Insert a new row after a given one. insert_before() Insert a new row before a given one. is_ancestor() Checks if an iter is parent or grandparent of another iter. iter_depth() How deep an iterator is nested in the tree. iter_is_valid() If a given row exists in the store. move_after() Moves a given iter directly after another one. move_before() Moves a given iter directly before another one. prepend() Add a row to the beginning of the store. remove() Remove a row from the tree. set() Set the values of a row. swap() Swaps two rows. set_column_types() Sets the column types for the tree store.