(PECL seaslog >=1.1.6)
SeasLog::analyzerDetail — Get log detail by level, log_path, key_word, start, limit, order
, string $log_path
= ?
, string $key_word
= ?
, int $start
= ?
, int $limit
= ?
, int $order
= ?
) : mixed`SeasLog` get results of `grep -ai '{level}' | grep -ai '{key_word}' | sed -n '{start},{limit}'p` use system pipe and return array to PHP.
Список параметров
String. The log information level.
String. The log information path.
String. The search key word for log information.
Int. Default is `1`.
Int. Default is `20`.
Int. Default is SEASLOG_DETAIL_ORDER_ASC. See also:
Возвращаемые значения
Return results as array.
When `start`,`limit` is not NULL and in Windows, SeasLog will threw exception with message 'Param start and limit don't support Windows'.
Пример #1 SeasLog::analyzerDetail() example
$result1 = SeasLog::analyzerDetail(SEASLOG_ERROR);
//with `logger` and `key_word`
$result2 = SeasLog::analyzerDetail(SEASLOG_ERROR,'test/logger/','neeke');
//with `start` and `limit`
$result3 = SeasLog::analyzerDetail(SEASLOG_ERROR,'test/logger/','neeke',1,2);
Результатом выполнения данного примера будет что-то подобное:
array(20) { [0]=> string(93) "2018-07-09 12:52:53 | ERROR | 12247 | 5b42ea2580e51 | 1531111973.528 | log message from neeke" [1]=> string(93) "2018-07-09 12:52:54 | ERROR | 12256 | 5b42ea26d6657 | 1531111974.878 | log message from neeke" [2]=> string(93) "2018-07-09 12:52:55 | ERROR | 12265 | 5b42ea277b8d4 | 1531111975.506 | log message from neeke" [3]=> string(104) "2018-07-09 12:52:55 | ERROR | 12274 | 5b42ea27db5dc | 1531111975.898 | log message from the other people" ... } array(3) { [0]=> string(93) "2018-07-09 12:52:53 | ERROR | 12247 | 5b42ea2580e51 | 1531111973.528 | log message from neeke" [1]=> string(93) "2018-07-09 12:52:54 | ERROR | 12256 | 5b42ea26d6657 | 1531111974.878 | log message from neeke" [2]=> string(93) "2018-07-09 12:52:55 | ERROR | 12265 | 5b42ea277b8d4 | 1531111975.506 | log message from neeke" } array(2) { [0]=> string(93) "2018-07-09 12:52:53 | ERROR | 12247 | 5b42ea2580e51 | 1531111973.528 | log message from neeke" [1]=> string(93) "2018-07-09 12:52:54 | ERROR | 12256 | 5b42ea26d6657 | 1531111974.878 | log message from neeke" }
Смотрите также
- SeasLog::analyzerCount() - Get log count by level, log_path and key_word