
(No version information available, might only be in Git)

CrudOperationSortable::sortSort results


abstract public mysql_xdevapi\CrudOperationSortable::sort ( string $sort_expr ) : mysql_xdevapi\CrudOperationSortable

Sort the result set by the field selected in the sort_expr argument. The allowed orders are ASC (Ascending) or DESC (Descending). This operation is equivalent to the 'ORDER BY' SQL operation and it follows the same set of rules.


К настоящему времени эта функция еще не была документирована; для ознакомления доступен только список аргументов.

Список параметров


One or more sorting expressions can be provided. The evaluation is from left to right, and each expression is separated by a comma.

Возвращаемые значения

A CrudOperationSortable object.


Пример #1 mysql_xdevapi\CrudOperationSortable::sort() example


$coll->find('job like \'Cavia\'')->sort('age desc''_id desc')->execute();
