Simple Asynchronous Messaging
- Введение
- Установка и настройка
- Предопределенные константы
- Примеры
- SAM Функции
- SAMConnection::commit — Commits (completes) the current unit of work
- SAMConnection::connect — Establishes a connection to a Messaging Server
- SAMConnection::__construct — Creates a new connection to a Messaging Server
- SAMConnection::disconnect — Disconnects from a Messaging Server
- SAMConnection::errno — Contains the unique numeric error code of the last executed SAM operation
- SAMConnection::error — Contains the text description of the last failed SAM operation
- SAMConnection::isConnected — Queries whether a connection is established to a Messaging Server
- SAMConnection::peek — Read a message from a queue without removing it from the queue
- SAMConnection::peekAll — Read one or more messages from a queue without removing it from the queue
- SAMConnection::receive — Receive a message from a queue or subscription
- SAMConnection::remove — Remove a message from a queue
- SAMConnection::rollback — Cancels (rolls back) an in-flight unit of work
- SAMConnection::send — Send a message to a queue or publish an item to a topic
- SAMConnection::setDebug — Turn on or off additional debugging output
- SAMConnection::subscribe — Create a subscription to a specified topic
- SAMConnection::unsubscribe — Cancel a subscription to a specified topic
- SAMMessage::body — The body of the message
- SAMMessage::__construct — Creates a new Message object
- SAMMessage::header — The header properties of the message