constructor Structures_DataGrid_Column::Structures_DataGrid_Column

constructor Structures_DataGrid_Column::Structures_DataGrid_Column() – Constructor


require_once 'Structures/DataGrid/Column.php';

void constructor Structures_DataGrid_Column::Structures_DataGrid_Column ( string $label , string $field = null , string $orderBy = null , array $attributes = array() , string $autoFillValue = null , mixed $formatter = null , array $formatterArgs = array() )


Creates default table style settings


string $label

The label of the column to be printed

string $field

The name of the field for the column to be mapped to

string $orderBy

The field or expression to order the data by

array $attributes

The attributes for the XML or HTML TD tag; form: array(name => value, ...)

string $autoFillValue

The value to use for the autoFill

mixed $formatter

Formatter callback. See setFormatter()

array $formatterArgs

Associative array of arguments passed as second argument to the formatter callback


throws no exceptions thrown


This function can not be called statically.