
Mail_mimePart::Mail_mimePart() – constructor


require_once 'Mail/mimePart.php';

Mail_mimePart Mail_mimePart ( string $body = '' , array $params = array() )


Create a new Mail_mimePart object.


  • string $body - The body of the mime part if any. Default is an empty string.

  • array $params - An associative array of parameters:

    • $params["content_type"] - The content type for this part ie. multipart/mixed

    • $params["encoding"] - The encoding to use ie. 7bit, 8bit, base64 or quoted-printable

    • $params["cid"] - content ID to apply

    • $params["disposition"] - Content disposition inline or attachment

    • $params["filename"] - Optional filename parameter for content disposition

    • $params["description"] - Content description

    • $params["charset"] - Character set to use

    • $params["name_encoding"] - Encoding of the attachment name (Content-Type) By default filenames are encoded using RFC2231 Here you can set RFC2047 encoding (quoted-printable or base64) instead

    • $params["filename_encoding"] - Encoding of the attachment filename (Content-Disposition)

    • $params["headers_charset"] - Charset of the headers e.g. filename, description If not set, "charset" will be used

    • $params["eol"] - End of line sequence. Default: "\r\n"

    • $params["body_file"] - Location of file with part's body (instead of $body)

    Default is an empty array.


This function can be called statically.