Creating the form element
- constructor HTML_QuickForm_advmultiselect::HTML_QuickForm_advmultiselect — Class constructor
- HTML_QuickForm_advmultiselect::load — Loads options from different types of data sources
- HTML_QuickForm_advmultiselect::loadArray — Loads the options from an associative array
- HTML_QuickForm_advmultiselect::getPersistantOptions — Returns list of persistant options
- HTML_QuickForm_advmultiselect::setPersistantOptions — Sets which items should be persistant
With the class constructor, you have ability to set the auto-arrange feature. This feature is an option to sort alphabetically (or reverse) when elements are moved between lists. Default behaviour is no sort (add to the bottom).
This feature is only available since version 0.5.0
You may either load options from the class constructor or with the load or loadArray functions.
load and loadArray functions with fancy attributes (disabled, style:color, ...) support are only available since version 1.5.0