
Readability of code blocks

Related lines of code should be grouped into blocks, separated from each other to keep readability as high as possible. The definition of "related" depends on the code :)

For example:


if ($foo) {
$bar 1;
if (
$spam) {
$ham 1;
if (
$pinky) {
$brain 1;

is a lot easier to read when separated:


if ($foo) {
$bar 1;

if (
$spam) {
$ham 1;

if (
$pinky) {
$brain 1;

Return early

To keep readability in functions and methods, it is wise to return early if simple conditions apply that can be checked at the beginning of a method:


function foo($bar$baz)
    if (
$foo) {
return $calculated_value;
    } else {

It's better to return early, keeping indentation and brain power needed to follow the code low.


function foo($bar$baz)
    if (!
$foo) {

return $calculated_value;