
setTemplate() – Sets the template.


require_once 'HTML/Template/Sigma.php';

mixed HTML_Template_Sigma::setTemplate ( string $template , boolean $removeUnknownVariables = true , boolean $removeEmptyBlocks = true )


Sets the template. You can either load a template file from disk with loadTemplateFile() or set the template manually using this function.


string $template

template content

boolean $removeUnknownVariables

remove unknown/unused variables?

boolean $removeEmptyBlocks

remove empty blocks?

Return value

return SIGMA_OK on success, error object on failure


Possible PEAR_Error values
Error code Error message Reason Solution
SIGMA_BLOCK_DUPLICATE The name of a block must be unique within a template. Block 'blockname' found twice. The $template contains two blocks sharing the same name Check the $template and rename one of the blocks to something else
SIGMA_CALLBACK_SYNTAX_ERROR Cannot parse template function: (error description) Bogus syntax for template function parameters. Fix the template function definition, pay special attention to quoting rules.


This function can not be called statically.